PreservaStem - Because all stem cells are not created equal.
Why choose us? PreservaStem’s stem cell banking service distinguishes itself by offering highly potent, versatile, and safely expandable stem cells derived from the placenta, supported by robust scientific evidence.
- Scientific Validation: PreservaStem’s technology is backed by years of solid scientific evidence, ensuring its credibility, reliability, and exclusivity. This provides assurance to individuals considering stem cell storage that they are investing in a scientifically validated and patent protected technology.
- Source of Stem Cells: PreservaStem is the ONLY birth tissue bank with patent protected technology that is able to preserve and isolate the highly multipotent cells present in the placenta which are considered unique and much more versatile than other sources like cord blood or other birth tissues.
- Versatile – to unlock regenerative potential: PreservaStem cells exhibit distinct characteristics, capable of differentiating into all three tissue types present (mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm), that lead to the development of all organs in the human body, thereby broadening the scope of medical treatments and augmenting their effectiveness in regenerative medicine.
- Expansion Capacity: PreservaStem’s cells can be expanded to very large quantities, ensuring an abundant supply for potential treatments. This capability sets them apart from stem cells derived from other sources like cord, which have limitations in terms of expansion potential.
- Safety Profile: One significant advantage of PreservaStem is their demonstrated safety profile, particularly in terms of tumor development. This is a crucial factor in the clinical application of stem cell therapies, as the risk of tumor formation can be a significant concern with certain stem cell types.
Cells potentially derived from PreservaStem’s placental stem cells
Placenta – After Childbirth
Differentiation Potential:
(Mesoderm, Endoderm, Ectoderm)
Readily available at childbirth, can be stored for future use
Expansion Capacity:
High, Can be greatly expanded for multiple treatments
Risk of Rejection?
Ethical Concerns?
Why Choose Us?
These factors collectively make PreservaStem a compelling option for individuals seeking to preserve their child’s stem cells for potential future medical treatments.
Cells potentially derived from Cord Blood
Cord Blood – After Childbirth
Differentiation Potential:
Blood Cells (Hematopoetic) ONLY
Readily available at childbirth, can be stored for future use
Expansion Capacity:
Risk of Rejection?
Ethical Concerns?
As stated in the 2019 report by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “Routine storage of umbilical cord blood… as a form of ‘biological insurance’ against future disease… is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics” given the lack of scientific data to support its use and availability of public cord blood banks; the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists concurs with this recommendation.
Private umbilical cord blood banking may be considered when there is knowledge of a family memberwith a medical condition (malignant or genetic) who could potentially benefit from cord blood transplantation.
Cells potentially derived from other birth tissues such as Wharton’s jelly, amniotic membrane and cord blood tissue
Birth Tissues – After Childbirth
Differentiation Potential:
Connective Tissue ONLY – bone, fat, cartilage (Mesoderm)
Readily available at childbirth, can be stored for future use
Expansion Capacity:
Low – Can be expanded for few treatments
Risk of Rejection?
Ethical Concerns?
Other stem cell sources that are not stored at the time of birth include:
- Bone Marrow stem cells can be obtained any time during a person’s lifetime. There are two types of bone marrow: red and yellow. Red bone marrow contains Hematopoietic stem cells that can become blood cells. Hematopoietic stem cells can be used in a manner very similar to cord blood stem cells, mostly for blood cancers. Yellow bone marrow is made mostly of fat and contains MESODERM stem cells that can become fat, cartilage, or bone cells. The ability to grow and expand bone marrow stem cells is limited.
- Hematopoietic stem cells are also found in the blood that is moving throughout your body. Yellow bone marrow is made mostly of fat and contains stem cells that can become fat, cartilage, or bone cells. The ability to grow and expand bone marrow stem cells is limited.
- Embryonic Stem Cells(ES cells) are pluripotent stem cells derived from human embryos, meaning they can differentiate into all cell types of the body. However, ethical concerns have restricted their use, as has the risk of tumor formation.
- Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), are pluripotent stem cells, created by reprogramming adult cells (like skin cells) to resemble embryonic stem cells in their capabilities. They can be expanded and differentiate into all cell types in the body. While IPS cells avoid ethical issues, they carry a risk of tumor formation