PreservaStem Frequently Asked Questions

PreservaStem is a stem cell bank utilizing  groundbreaking, patent-protected technology to harvest highly potent stem cells from the placenta after childbirth. We are the first to offer this innovative method for preserving these valuable cells for potential future medical use.

Placental tissues, which are discarded after childbirth, contain a rich source of stem cells, with unique properties that make them promising for future medical therapies.

PreservaStem uses a cutting-edge technique to isolate highly potent stem cells from the placenta. This method allows us to collect a larger number of viable cells with a greater potential for future therapeutic applications.

Placental stem cells hold immense potential for regenerative medicine, wound healing, and immune system modulation. By storing these cells with PreservaStem, you are providing your child with access to potential future medical treatments.

PreservaStem employs state-of-the-art procedures to ensure the safe and secure storage of your child’s stem cells in cryogenic freezers.

PreservaStem’s process is simple and convenient. Your healthcare provider will collect the placenta after childbirth. Our team then isolates and cryopreserves the stem cells for long-term storage.

Yes, the collection process is completely safe, non-invasive, and ethical. It occurs after the birth and the delivery of the placenta, posing no risk to either the mother or the newborn.

No, there are no direct health risks involved to the mother or child as the collection is performed safely post-delivery. No scientific process is completely free of potential issues like contamination or inadequate cryopreservation affecting the stem cells. It’s crucial to select a reputable stem cell bank to minimize risks and ensure the stem cells’ integrity for future use.

PreservaStem adheres to stringent quality control measures throughout the collection, processing, and storage processes. Our facilities are equipped with advanced technology to ensure the stem cells’ purity, viability, and safety, meeting and exceeding industry standards.

Anyone interested in securing a future health safeguard for themselves or their family members can benefit from storing stem cells with PreservaStem. Our services are particularly beneficial for parents of newborns, individuals with a family history of genetic disorders, or those seeking to maximize their future therapeutic options.

The optimal time to collect the placental stem cells is immediately after your baby is born, before the placenta is delivered. The PreservaStem team will coordinate with your healthcare provider to ensure a seamless collection process.

PreservaStem’s cryopreservation technology allows stem cells to be stored indefinitely while maintaining their viability. Our cryogenic storage facilities are designed to ensure that stem cells retain their therapeutic potential for decades, ready for use when needed.

Yes, placenta/amnion-derived stem cells have a higher chance of compatibility with family members compared to other stem cell sources. This makes them an invaluable resource for various medical treatments, including regenerative therapies and disease management, for not just the donor but also potentially for siblings, parents, and other relatives.

The stem cells harvested by PreservaStem have the potential to revolutionize medicine. They could be used in treating a wide range of conditions, including degenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders, and injuries requiring tissue regeneration, among others. As research progresses, the list of treatable conditions continues to expand.

Contact PreservaStem to initiate the stem cell retrieval process. We’ll coordinate with your healthcare provider to ensure the cells are promptly prepared and delivered for treatment.

Notify us in writing if you wish to discontinue storage. You can choose to withdraw, donate for research, or have the cells discarded. We’ll guide you through your chosen process.

Discuss stem cell banking with your doctor and midwife for personalized advice and to understand its potential benefits for your family’s health plan.

It’s recommended to contact PreservaStem during your second trimester or early in your third trimester. This timing ensures we can provide you with all necessary information and prepare for the collection process well ahead of your due date.

The latest you can contact PreservaStem is ideally no later than 1-2 weeks before your expected delivery date. However, we strive to accommodate late decisions whenever possible, so please reach out even if your situation is urgent.

Quality of stem cells can be affected by time. However, we’ve systems to ensure your child’s stem cells remain viable despite the distance. Our temperature-controlled collection kits, our logistic partnerships and state-of-the-art preservation methods are all designed to manage the time sensitivity effectively to ensure that stem cells retain their therapeutic potential.

PreservaStem offers various storage packages to suit your family’s needs. Please contact us for detailed information on our pricing plans.

See our ‘How to Bank‘ page or contact PreservaStem today to learn more about our services and discuss if storing your child’s stem cells is the right option for your family. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Explore reputable sources like the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and disease-specific organizations for information on stem cell research. PreservaStem also offers educational materials and expert consultations to deepen your understanding.

Absolutely! We have a dedicated section on our website with resources explaining the science of placental and amniotic stem cells and their potential applications.

At PreservaStem, we welcome clients, potential or current, to visit our facility, recognizing the significance of trust and openness in our operations & services. Since our state-of-the-art storage facility maintains the highest standards of security and sterility, so all visits must be carefully planned and pre-arranged. We encourage you to schedule an appointment, allowing you to see firsthand our commitment to the highest standards of stem cell preservation.

If you do not choose placental stem cell banking, the placenta and amnion will typically be discarded after childbirth, and you loose the only chance you have to store placental stem cells. By choosing to preserve these valuable stem cells, you are ensuring their availability for potential future treatments.

Placental stem cell banking is considered ethically sound as the stem cells are collected from the placenta and amnion, which would otherwise be discarded after childbirth. No harm is caused to the mother or child during the collection process.

Placental stem cell banking is regulated by various international authorities to ensure safety and quality standards are met. PreservaStem adheres to all applicable regulations and guidelines to provide our clients with the best possible service.

Why Store Placental Stem Cells?

Storing placental stem cells provides distinct benefits over other stem cell sources, thanks to their diverse properties and wide-ranging applications. Below is a comparison:

PreservaStem Comparison Chart

* Other birth tissues such as Wharton’s jelly, amniotic membrane & cord blood tissue.

PreservaStem is the ONLY cell storage service with the patented technological know-how to preserve the highly potent cells from the placenta.

PreservaStem’s Advanced Technology: We go beyond simple storage. Our technology know-how allows us to store specific cell populations within the placenta that have greater regenerative potential compared to the mix of cells found in the whole placenta.

By focusing on preserving highly potent cells, PreservaStem is at the forefront of placental stem cell technology.

Benefits of Isolating Highly Potent Cells: PreservaStem’s focus on preserving the highly potent cells from the placenta offers a multitude of advantages.

It holds promise for developing more effective treatments for a wider range of conditions (increased therapeutic potential).

What are Placental Stem Cells?

Placental stem cells reside within the placenta, a temporary organ that nourishes the developing fetus during pregnancy. After the baby is born, the afterbirth, or placenta is delivered. The placenta itself is a rich source, containing various types of stem cells. The stem cells stored by PreservaStem are a unique type of cell that is highly multipotent.

Like human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, PreservaStem cells can differentiate into not just mesenchymal stem cells, but also into endoderm and ectoderm cells, and can be grown to large quantities, thus being readily available for many treatments throughout one’s lifetime. However, unlike human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, the stem cells stored by PreservaStem do not form tumors.

PreservaStem cells are particularly valuable due to their abundance, ease of isolation, and unique properties.

How are Placental Stem Cells collected & stored?

The storage of placental stem cells involves a process designed to preserve their viability and potential for future medical applications.

Here’s an overview:

  • After signing up, a collection kit will be shipped to parent/health care provider
  • At the time of birth, the placenta will be collected
  • The specimen gets shipped to the PreservaStem bank for processing and preservation assuring the success of storing the stem cells present in the placenta
  • Safe storage

The process from collection to storage is designed to maximize the viability and therapeutic potential of the PreservaStem cells in the placenta, making them readily available for future medical treatments.